Thursday, October 13, 2011

Don't mind me, just visiting!

Am I a visitor or a residence on the Internet?

When I first read this question, before watching David White's video, I thought I would only have two options: visitor or resident.  After watching White's video, I am now more familiar with this idea and understand that it is not binary.  Rather, it is more of a continuum.
One idea David White made that resonated with me had to do with distinguishing his personal and professional life.  As you may recall, White mentioned that professionally, he likes to "put himself out there.”  He does not mind being videotaped conferences, blogs actively, etc.  Moreover, he also mentioned that personally, he does not want to put his family's private life on the web.  I have very similar thoughts, or principles, when it comes to using the Internet.  Professionally, I enjoy "putting myself out there."  Don't get me wrong, this is still a work in progress but I’m getting “there.”  For example, I use LinkedIn on a regular basis—updating my profile and reaching out to others.  Although I wouldn't say I am a full on resident, professionally I am further along the continuum that I am in my personal life.

 In my personal life, I am extremely private. For this reason, I don't use Facebook-- much like White I don't want to put my family's private life on the web.  If you'll notice, the picture in the "about me" page of my blog has a picture of my family but is more of a silhouette-- and I had a tough time even putting this picture up!  So, in my personal life I am very much a visitor; I am very confident using the web as a toolbox. And, when I log off, I don't think I leave too much of a "digital footprint."

 In my future life on the Internet, I  see myself becoming more of a resident with my professional life but not in my personal life.  I'm enjoying learning and cultivating my PLN (as time allows). And I very much see the benefit of a PLN to my professional work (there's the goal-oriented trait of a visitor White talked about). 

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